Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Growing Up

I had an epiphany today while working in my classroom...yet again.

One of my close friends is having some roommate problems. To put it plain and of the two roommates refuses to pay the last month's rent and now she and the other roommate are stuck splitting the bill. This situation really made me realize how glad I am to be old enough to not have to rent with friends anymore. I don't have to deal with that kind of drama! While sometimes I miss the crazy fun of living in a rented place and going out all hours of the night, these are some of the things that make me glad that I'm old enough to own my own house and live with a man that I love. Gone are the days of ridiculous bickering over who's turn it was to clean the kitchen or take out the trash. Wait a second... I still have those same problems! :)
Ok, Gone are the days of living with women. You know how it used to be. Now, don't get me wrong...I loved all of my roommates. But, even the ones you love... you can still have the stupid fights with. I roomed with two of my close friends, the brunettes in my bachelorette picture above, and everyone told me it was a horrible idea, but it really wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been. I've known Rachel ( the girl in green...who will wed in january!) for a looonngg time and then Bianca (the brunette in teal on the right) and I are a lot alike. We were successful at remaining friends after the move out. The blonde, Bonnie, and I basically live together at school because we have taught together and will be teaching together this year. Even though I love them, I don't want to live with them anymore... I'm content with my hubby.

It's just nice to have a place to call "home" and to come home to the same man and the same two dogs everyday... even if the dogs get happier to see me than he does. He needs to jump up and down and squeal with delight like they do. :)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fresh Meat

Hello all! I am brand new to the blogging world and I'm looking forward to becoming engrossed in it. Being a teacher and with school right around the corner, I figure what's a better time to start talking to complete strangers? Well some of you that may begin to read probably have the privalege of already knowing me. :)

Well for starters, I'll introduce everyone in our quaint family.

I am ShibaMomma because I own two beautiful Shiba Inus. Those would be a rare type of dog for Americans. They are the "labs" in Japan and most people think they look like a fox.

Mina is our oldest Shiba (2years old) and she is a "red" color. She is of course the dog above doing what she loves best... sleeping. She is also found on my blog page, which the quotation beneath saying "what mud?". She definitely keeps us on our toes. She is not one to be held or be called a "lap dog" per say, but she has her sweet moments... those usually found at bed time. During the day she can be found hunting for critters.

Naunna (pronounced "Nawna") is an 11 month old cream Shiba. She is completely different from Mina. She loves to be held and cuddles with. She gets extremely jealous of Mina if we are showing her any affection and will begin pawing at you. She doesn't particularly enjoy outside unless Mina is out there. For the most part she just wants to have her belly rubbed.

And then there is Mr. MB and I. That's all for now. I must sleep so I can slave away in my classroom tomorrow. Yes, teachers really do work during the summer!