Thursday, September 18, 2008

Woah slow bump

Ok so I;m not all about putting my "belly pictures" on facebook like some of my other friends... even though I have had some requests for them, but for some reason I feel more comfortable putting them on my blog. :)
The main reason I am putting them up here is so that other women can google and find information and pictures about the stage in pregnancy. I have been a very busy googler myself.
Anyhoo... I am now 8 weeks pregnant and will be 9 in two days. I felt a small bump a few weeks ago, but no one else noticed and it wasn't big enough to notice. But, this week I have definitely seen a difference. Where once used to be flat (luckily I had a flat stomach growing up.. we won't talk about legs though :) ).. there is now a small hill leaving my upper stomach. I have been told it will never be flat again and I am very sad by this news. I shall make it my duty in life to once be flat again...and I don't mean chested!
Oh and I jinxed myself with my last blog because I gloated how I haven't had any morning sickness.... yeah the very next morning I felt horrible! So I am biting my tognue now.
Hopefully my maternity pants come in soon because I am running out of skirts to wear to teach in!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


So now I am in my 8th week of pregnancy, I am learning more of the "joys" of pregnant life. I am tired ALL the time and I am hungry ALL the time... literally. I can eat and then an hour later I'm ready for a snack. But, (knocking on wood and crossing my fingers and toes) I have been VERY lucky to not get the morning sickness.

I've had many friends tell me that if you don't get sick during your pregnancy, then you are having a boy and if you are sick throughout then you are having a girl. I would be ecstatic with a boy! So, I do hope this myth is true! There is another man who is hoping and praying that we have a boy.... in his words eactly he says, " I want some big strong boys!".

This would of course be my father-in-law, featured in the picture above with Mr. M. As you can tell they are both very far from being short and being 5'10" myself, I do believe you will get your wish, Big L.... if we have a boy! All i can say is that he will be a mighty fine looking boy if he follows Big L. and Mr. M.'s family genes :).

My father on the other hand wants a girl, for some strang reason... I don't know. I will be happy with a healthy baby, but everyone has a preference.

Who wouldn't want to add on to these fun times?

This is a picture from Mr. M. and I's wedding. These are his handsome groomsmen and Mr. M. in the middle, who is of course the most handsome. :) Can you pick out his 2 brothers? :)

Monday, September 8, 2008

Wipe away the dust.. it's time to start up again!

Oh my goodness. A week off from work can really get you lagging. I've got to get back into the swing of things at school. Just think... Halloween will be here soon... and that means Thanksgiving is around the corner... and you know what that means?! Christmas will be here before you know it! :) I love 96.1 because they start playing Christmas music November 1st, yes the day after Halloween. It's beautiful!

Anyhoo. So Gustav sucked! Hopefully we won't be having dejavu with Ike on the way. No offense Texas, but it's your turn on this one. (psst Take a hike Ike... to Texas!)

My funny thought for the day: "Kids say the funniest things!"
My nephew, Lil C, is definitely no exception to this rule. My sister was trying to explain to him that I have a baby in my "tummy" and that there will be a baby soon, etc. This is how the conversation went:
H: "Lil C, did you know that shibmomma has a baby in her belly?"
Lil C: "No she doesn't." *laughing hysterically*
H: "Yes, she has a baby in her tummy!"
Lil C: continuing to laugh... "She didn't ate a BABY momma!!!
ha ha ha! Over his head! This was shortly after he logically explained that he was crying because his "bobo hurt reewwl bad!"
I guess in a 5 year old mind, bobos hurt and babies don't come from bellies. :)

Ok so I am way overdue for some beach pictures from this year's family trip... but here are a few:

Bob was continuously called "Landshark" throughout the vacation because his head was shaved into a mohawk the night before the trip when he had passed out. He actually could pull off the hawk.

So here he is, doing his Landshark impression..

Here is Mr. M and I soaking up some rays. I'll have you know that the only sunburn I received was on my part in my hair... which is wonderful because then it looks like you have dandruff when it peels. Lucky me.
HA! I LOVE this picture! :) So my future sis-in-law

somehow manages to fall over and all we can do is laugh and point. Notice her ever-loving fiance lending a hand to help. Don't get up Bob... we wouldn't want you to put too much effort into this save. :)

*Notice the beer is safe people.... Game on...

Good thing for cousin L! Always lending a helping hand!
and finally last, but certainly not least.... can we say, "COON EYES?!"
This is prob the worst pair of coon eyes I have ever seen! I love it!