Thursday, September 18, 2008

Woah slow bump

Ok so I;m not all about putting my "belly pictures" on facebook like some of my other friends... even though I have had some requests for them, but for some reason I feel more comfortable putting them on my blog. :)
The main reason I am putting them up here is so that other women can google and find information and pictures about the stage in pregnancy. I have been a very busy googler myself.
Anyhoo... I am now 8 weeks pregnant and will be 9 in two days. I felt a small bump a few weeks ago, but no one else noticed and it wasn't big enough to notice. But, this week I have definitely seen a difference. Where once used to be flat (luckily I had a flat stomach growing up.. we won't talk about legs though :) ).. there is now a small hill leaving my upper stomach. I have been told it will never be flat again and I am very sad by this news. I shall make it my duty in life to once be flat again...and I don't mean chested!
Oh and I jinxed myself with my last blog because I gloated how I haven't had any morning sickness.... yeah the very next morning I felt horrible! So I am biting my tognue now.
Hopefully my maternity pants come in soon because I am running out of skirts to wear to teach in!!!


Casey (@ Chaos and Cardboard) said...

I tagged you for a survey on my blog! Have fun!

Good luck with the morning sickness..

Queen of the Mayhem said...

Welcome to the world of motherhood!

All of the "fun" will be worth it...once the little one arrives!

Queen of the Mayhem said...

Just wondered if you are ever going to post again!