Sunday, September 14, 2008


So now I am in my 8th week of pregnancy, I am learning more of the "joys" of pregnant life. I am tired ALL the time and I am hungry ALL the time... literally. I can eat and then an hour later I'm ready for a snack. But, (knocking on wood and crossing my fingers and toes) I have been VERY lucky to not get the morning sickness.

I've had many friends tell me that if you don't get sick during your pregnancy, then you are having a boy and if you are sick throughout then you are having a girl. I would be ecstatic with a boy! So, I do hope this myth is true! There is another man who is hoping and praying that we have a boy.... in his words eactly he says, " I want some big strong boys!".

This would of course be my father-in-law, featured in the picture above with Mr. M. As you can tell they are both very far from being short and being 5'10" myself, I do believe you will get your wish, Big L.... if we have a boy! All i can say is that he will be a mighty fine looking boy if he follows Big L. and Mr. M.'s family genes :).

My father on the other hand wants a girl, for some strang reason... I don't know. I will be happy with a healthy baby, but everyone has a preference.

Who wouldn't want to add on to these fun times?

This is a picture from Mr. M. and I's wedding. These are his handsome groomsmen and Mr. M. in the middle, who is of course the most handsome. :) Can you pick out his 2 brothers? :)


Queen of the Mayhem said...

I vote for healthy first....and girl second. The pink stuff is SO much more fun to buy! :)

ShibaMomma said...

Boo on pink! Well who knows.. I think it's a boy, but we had our first sonogram today and the heart rate was 170, which is high...and the old wives tale says that high HB mean girls. We shall find out in 10 weeks!